I have an obsession with food artistry, especially desserts, “Cherry on top” is the first of many paintings I intend to create following this passion. I think Great Chefs are Artists in every way, what they create is edible art, it exists only momentarily before being erased by eating. The "Cherry Ontop" for me is to be able to capture some of the amazing visual qualities of these creations in my paintings and make you want to eat it . Although a cream cake is something simple you may see at your corner bakery and yes it tastes great ,I felt it was more, a thing of beauty and the challenge for me was to take this humble cake to another level. The complexity and subtle shading in the piped cream , to the crust and sugar coating of the pastry ,the spherical reflective surface of each of the cherries and the glistening jam oozing out ,YUM! . I had so much fun painting this ...... and eating !!!!!